Thursday, March 4, 2010

Dr. Funke's 100% Natural Good Time Family Birthday Solution

Cupcakes work better than Teamocil!

I've been on a bit of a baking hiatus since Christmas. I've made the occasional batch of cookies here and there, but nothing exciting. I usually only pull out the big guns for special occasions. Well...this week was my mom's birthday so naturally I needed to make something special. She requested coconut cake (her favorite). So I made coconut cupcakes, but I went a little crazy when I started decorating and they turned out like this:
I'm going to be honest: they look awesome. They were also pretty tasty. My sisters and brother and I skipped school to go up to Portland on her birthday and surprise her. She was so surprised she started crying! She doesn't get to see us very often since she moved to Portland and it's even more rare to have all of us together. We spent the rest of the day with her watching movies and eating pizza (and cupcakes). I also brought my camera so she could have some current pictures of us. Here are some pictures of our photo shoot:The siblings. and the dog.
My mom and brother. And the dog.
Our attempt at getting a picture of all of us. Including the dog.


Debbie said...

What a wonderful surprise for your mom. Great looking cupcakes too!! Glad you had a good time with your family.

Heather said...

Someday, I will get your cupcake recipes! They look so good. What a nice surprise for your mom :).

Katie said...

I love the cupcake with the sprinkle boarder!! So cute! p.s. For some reason that picture of you and your sisters reminds me of the Kardashians.

Katie said...

Oh, but I prefer teamocil, for the side effects.