Monday, November 2, 2009

My Side of the Story

Someone said that they wanted to see my answers to these questions. And just so you don't all think that I ignore my wife when I get a new video game, I just want you to know that I was pretty bored when she got a new game called Scribblenauts for our Nintendo DSi.

What are your middle names? Mine is Tyler, Brianne doesn't have one. Interesting story though, when Brianne and I got married we considered giving her a middle name that started with 'M' so her initials would be BMW.

How long have you been together? June 21st was our first wedding anniversary, but we've been together almost 3 years! (just like she said)

How long did you know each other before you started dating? It was a couple days short of 4 months, and I wasn't afraid of her-I was dating someone else.

Who asked who out? I asked her out, but to be honest, she didn't realize it was a date at first.

Whose siblings do you see the most? Definitely hers. If anyone lived closer then I would see them more often.

Do you have any children together? Nope. And none apart either.

What about pets? Two adorable kitty kitties. We do treat them like our spoiled babies.

Did you go to the same school? Only if you mean college.

Who is the most sensitive? Definitely me, I get emotional over thinking about one of our cats getting run over and the other one being left alone without his brother.

Where do you eat out most as a couple? She asked me this question so my answer is the same. Although, we do like Papa Murphy's too.

Where is the furthest you have ever traveled as a couple? I picked her up in Ontario once and then we stayed in La Grande for a couple days, and then drove to Corvallis. That's a little bit farther but it's only a technicality.

Who has the worst temper? Her for sure.

Who does the cooking? Usually Brianne, but I do some too. And I help.

Who is more social? Her. I don't like to be social, I like to stay home and watch movies and stuff.

Who is the neat freak? Brianne is right up there with Jordan and Mom.

Who is the most stubborn? I'm part English and Welsh, she's part Irish and German. You tell me who's more stubborn.

Who hogs the bed? I probably hog the bed, but she hogs the blankets.

Who wakes up earlier? Me, and not just because I have to.

Where was your first date? I invited her over for Pizza and Wii Sports.

Who has the bigger family? This is debatable. Even though I have over 40 cousins, she has to use diagrams to explain how her family works (and she complains about trying to keep my cousins' names straight, I have to keep marriages straight). You should ask her to explain it sometime.

Do you get flowers often? I used to get her flowers more regularly, but two things stop me from doing it so often now: the cats eat flowers and we don't have a vase. I never get flowers.

Who eats more? Me... :(

Who sings better? Me, I can do melody and harmony, she only does melody.

Who does the laundry? I do help with laundry, but I'm not allowed to fold the clothes. Any questions, see the question about who the neat freak is.

Who is better with the computer? Me

Who drives when you are together? Me

Who picks where you go to dinner? I usually end up picking, but only after we've argued for 15 minutes about the fact that I never pick. Her argument doesn't make sense because I usually pick, but after 15 minutes I'm too hungry to care about being right anymore.

Who is the first one to admit when they are wrong? Like she said, she's never wrong. The problem is that I'm always right.

Who wears the pants in this relationship? Her because at some point I stop caring about being right.

Who eats more sweets? We both have our moments.

Who cries more? I think I do. See my answers to the emotional question.

What's your best day together? Brianne forgot to mention the food part. Food is a very important factor as to how good the day was.

Where did you honeymoon? Newport and Lincoln City on the coast.

Favorite date night? I don't know if staying at home and watching a movie is our favorite date night, but we sure do that a lot. Besides, we can't stand the other people in the movie theater who talk and text and are loud and annoying.

Couple I imagine us growing old like? I first want to point out that this question is worded in a way that I'm not sure I understand it. Am I supposed to name a couple that I think we'll be like or am I supposed to describe how we will be as a couple? That being said, I think we'll be like Grandma and Grandpa Waite. We'll sleep in separate rooms. I'll have a farm for all of my kitty kitties so Brianne doesn't have to put up with them. She'll yell at me, I won't hear her so I'll just agree. The TV will always be on and really loud and the house will be 94 degrees because Brianne is always cold.

I hope you enjoyed my answers.



kc and k said...

I'm glad you told "your side of the story" since it was fun to compare your answers with Brianne's. I especially enjoyed both of your old couple comments-funny!

gwen said...

This sort of thing is always interesting! sorry, Josh, but you sound very "Waiteish"!! (except the emotional part!) But, that's not a bad thing!

Chris said...

I did enjoy your answers! Thanks for posting them, with all of the details and explanations. I'm starting to think that I should be surprised that Chris let's me fold the laundry. He's not such a neat freak though....and I haven't been folding very many clothes lately, just piling them up on the floor to get to later.

garrynkim said...

So enjoyed your side of the story. That was a fun survey!