Sunday, November 1, 2009

Bad Day for Bert

Poor Bert!

Friday was not a good day for this appendage of the Waite family. I was getting ready for what was supposed to be a fun day of shopping and scrapbooking with my step-mom. I was in the bathroom taking my morning medication (I'm secretly 80 years old so I have a regimen of morning and evening pills--maybe I should get one of those plastic things with the days of the week on them) when the phone rang. I left the pills on the counter and went to answer it. When I walked back into the bathroom, the pills were gone and Bert went streaking out the door. Both of our cats are often suspect to disappearing (or broken) objects because they always act so guilty (as Bert did at this instance). Obviously, I panicked. I called Josh to tell him what happened and then he called the veterinarian to see what we should do. We needed to take him in. Josh raced home from work and we took Bert to the nearest vet. The nurse told us they needed to get him to throw up, and then feed him charcoal to keep him from absorbing any of the pills he might have digested. They were going to have to keep Bert for a few hours to monitor him, so we said goodbye (he was already hooked to an IV and several other tubes) and left him. When we arrived back at our apartment, Josh found the pills under a blanket on the couch. Apparently I took them with me when I was on the phone and left them there after I got off. So we called the vet to tell them that we found the pills and Bert was fine, but they had already fed him the charcoal, AND they still wanted to keep him for a few hours, just in case. So it was all a mistake. An incredibly expensive mistake (I think the pet health care system also needs reform). And to add to my guilt, Bert came home looking like this:
They had shaved him in several parts of his legs, and one of them was covered in a bandage to keep him from bleeding. Luckily he bounced back pretty quick. Once we took the bandage off he calmed down and went back to being his usual, playful self. I'm glad Bert is alright, but I really wanted to go shopping...


Debbie said...

Poor kitty! I am glad that he is okay though. Life is so hard sometimes, even for the animals.

Chris said...

Too funny! I really loved the comment about the pet health care system. I am glad Bert is ok.

Uncle Jonah said...

I feel like an old women too Brianne. When I had the flu/pneumonia/bronchitis/other health problems, I was taking 11 pills a day, plus two vitamins. I do have a cheap plastic pill holder to help me keep things straight. I would recommend it.

gwen said...

Well, this is good practice for when you have children! Never leave the pills out where they are easy to get to! Poor, Kitty, and he wasn't even guilty!