Saturday, March 13, 2010

Ah, The Wonders of Technology

As most of you now know, we got a new TV. To be honest, I'm a little intimidated by it...I think it's perfectly justified. SO MANY CORDS! I usually avoid the back of the TV for this very reason. But the other day the internet decided to stop working, and of course the cords for the modem were back there. I ended up sitting behind the TV for over an hour unplugging every single cord and plugging them back in. I also tried to organize them a little bit (because that's what I do), but this is the best I could come up with. It is a pretty huge improvement from the mess that it was. I think some of these would help:

THESE ARE GENIUS. I love the Container Store!

Despite all of the stress the new TV has caused me, I will admit it's pretty sweet. Ernie seems to be enjoying it as well.He's so cute! He loves watching things in HD. Sometimes I think it's a little too realistic for him though, because he tries to play with the things on the screen. He especially likes to do this when Josh is playing a video game. Then it's not so cute.


Debbie said...

A woman after my own heart. ORGANIZATION!!! Good job with all the cords. That was quite an accomplishment! I know, because I deal with cables and cords all the time at work.

Uncle Jonah said...

I live in an apartment with "righteous" individuals who don't allow worldly things, such as a TV in our apartment. Heaven forbid they can't feel the spirit with technology (or sarcasm, as I recently found out).

Chris said...

you should come help us with our computer/internet/VIOP/printer/speaker nightmare. the tv looks great!