Sunday, December 20, 2009

Merry Christmas, from Corporate America

Apparently the meat packing industry is doing just fine during this recession, because Josh's company managed to throw a pretty rockin' Christmas party.
Seriously, it was NICE. It took place at a hotel in downtown Salem (not a bad one considering the location).
Here is a gratuitous picture of food. The company really went all out. The prime rib was especially delicious.I don't know why but my arm looks WAY fat in this picture. It's really distracting.This Santa Butt was one of the centerpieces on the tables. We got to take this one home!

After dinner the floor opened up for dancing and gambling (with fake money). Josh played black jack and I played a few hands of poker. At the end of the night we cashed our chips in for raffle tickets. We ended up winning $150 in cash! My favorite part of the night was when I met the owner of Josh's company, and his gorgeous (and young) Brazilian wife told me I was "very fashion." That made my day.

All in all, not a bad night!


Audra said...

Wow! Sounds like a good party. I wish Chris had a work party....I tried to talk him in to begging one from the board, but it's not legal to fund one, so we would have to pay for it not worth it. I'm glad you had a good time!

Heather said...

Fun! Since I am a state employee, I will be attending our potluck Christmas party tomorrow (with a cake in tow). I don't even think they organized a gift exchange. In past years, we had a catered dinner, but we each had to pay $10 or something to attend :). Gotta love corporate America!

Debbie said...

And Reed didn't even hear about his work party this year!!! We wouldn't have gone anyway. Too much corruption gathered in one place would = no Christmas spirit. Congrats on the win though!