Sunday, September 13, 2009

Cats, Cakes, And Concussions

Well, it's 2:00 in the morning and I'm awake. Unfortunately, this happens to me a lot. Like, every night. I was actually thinking about starting my own blog dedicated to insomnia and the inner workings of my mind that so often keep me up at night. But I don't know; it could be scary. What do you think?

This week hasn't been particularly eventful, but I thought I would share some stories with you for your entertainment.

Story #1:
Ernie likes to watch me when I'm in the shower. I don't really know why. He will sit on the counter and stare at me from the time I turn on the water to the time I get out. Sometimes he falls asleep, but most of the time he just stares at me with his eyes bugging out of his head. I think it's because his only experiences with the shower look like this:
He probably wonders why I would subject myself to that kind of torment on a daily basis. Ok, that was the prologue, now here is the story. Ernie was staring at me the other day, as usual. But this time when I got got out, he was sitting in the sink. I thought it was pretty cute.
(I actually had to put him back in there in order to take the picture. I scared him when I came bursting out of the shower to grab the camera)

Story #2:
I have a new favorite website. It's called Cake Wrecks and it is pretty much the most hilarious thing I've ever seen. The author of the blog posts pictures of professional cakes that have gone, and I quote, "horribly, hilariously wrong". Readers can also submit pictures of cake wrecks that they have witnessed. My latest project is to go to the bakery section every time we go to the grocery store and take pictures of scary cakes with Josh's Blackberry. The pictures aren't the greatest, but here are a few samples of what I saw in the Wal-Mart bakery this week:This cake isn't hideous, but if you notice the detailing, you will see that the cake says "Go Beavs" in orange, but the little plastic football players are wearing green jerseys (for those of you from out of town, the arch enemies of the OSU Beavers are the Oregon Ducks, who happen to wear green jerseys).This, I think, is supposed to be a lumpy purple monkey with its arms growing out of its head. You can't see from this angle, but this cake is actually made of a bunch of cupcakes, hence the lumpiness. I'm sorry for being graphic here, but my main concern about this cake is what color my bowel movements would be after eating this.

This one also concerns me. It says on the label that it is a "Cupcake Critter: Alligator" so one can only assume that there are cupcakes somewhere in there. Again, my main concern lies in the color of my bowel movements. But I would still totally eat it. It's an alligator MADE OF FROSTING.

Story #3:
This story doesn't involve cute pictures of kitties or pictures of strange cake creations. This story doesn't have any pictures at all because I haven't been keeping up with my physical appearance for the last couple of days.

On Thursday night, as is routine, I was awake at around 2:00 in the morning. On this particular night I was picking at my face in front of the bathroom mirror and I accidentally made myself bleed. After cleaning it up I turned to throw the tissue away and as I stood up, I hit my head on the corner of the towel rack. It really hurt. My ears were ringing, my eyes were watering, and there was a lump on my head the size of a silver dollar. Luckily I had some leftover vicodin from my recent trip to the emergency room (ruptured ovarian cyst=not fun) so I took that and went to bed. I didn't wake up until after noon the next day. My head was still killing me and my ears were still ringing. I couldn't stand up for long without losing my balance or just getting really sick. I turned to my oldest and dearest friend, WebMD. I'm kind of a hypochondriac, so this website is like the Bible for me. It said I most likely have a concussion. This was a reasonable diagnosis. Usually, I come to the conclusion that I have some kind of cancer. So I have a concussion. That's really all there is to the story. I'm not enjoying it and I'm honestly surprised that I'm not sleeping now because that's about all I've been doing for the last two days.

That's all folks. I want to try to go back to bed, but Josh is snoring now, so that may be difficult. Hmm...


Uncle Jonah said...

I love those nights when you can't sleep. I would suggest to put one of your cats in the freezer until it is almost frozen all the way through, then let the cat sleep on your head to help with the healing, while eating scary cakes. It works every time.s

Chris said...

Wow! And I thought we had a bad week. The concussion doesn't sound like fun. Happy Birthday!!! BTW.

Love Chris and Fam

Katie said...

I love cake wrecks. I saw their posting on hysterectomy cakes and sent it to my mother in law and told her I was mad at her for not having one of those cakes for her own hysterectomy.